Con Season, General Stress and what have you
We've been gone for a week to the beach which you would think is something that should be relaxing. it wasn't. as terrible as it sounds. I did have parts of a wonderful time and I don't tihnk it was the fault of anyone there who attempted to be apart of that. I did get to see a few things and do somethings that I don't normally do. We did our karaoke night which is always fun mostly for Todd and I got to work some on the new books. I am somewhat pleased with the next Gaiman Heights novel. Todd accuses me about writing about myself in these but I don't think he means it as an insult. Man is least himself when he speaks in his own person, as Oscar Wilde once said, give him a mask and he'll tell you everything.
Here are my masks.
I don't want to reveal too much since I'm on the way but I really like it.
Todd likes Lazarus because he knows what's going on. Its a darker piece and harder to work on but still extremely hopeful. I think that's what makes it beautiful. Those are being worked on concurrently while Fall is in what we call post production.
I'm so tired.
We did a con after the beach which is hard and now all I want to do is sleep. I'm so tired and I feel so sick. The good thing is we don't have anything for some time.
I think we've decided that I'll be narrating the books when we put them up but we're not close yet.
Its stressful but quiet for a while.
Peace out kids.